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Thursday, April 9, 2009

1. The distance between a fixed straight line and a fixed point is 65.trace the path of a point moving in such a way that the ratio of its distance from the fixed point to distance from the straight line is
a) 2/3,(b)1and (c)3/ each curve draw a normal and a tangent to each curve at appoint on it 50 from the fixed point.
2. Two fixed points A and B are 100 apart. Trace the complete path of the point P moving in such a way that the sum of its distances from A and B is always the same and equal to 125.Name the curve (foci method)
3. The foci of an ellipse are 90 apart and the minor axis is 65 long. Determine the length of the major axis and draw the ellipse by oblong method. Draw a tangent to the ellipse at a point on it 25 above the major axis.
4. Draw the ellipse and determine the eccentricity in the following cases: Distance between directories is 200 and the distance between the vertices is 150.The major axis is 120 and minor axis is 90°.
5. The sides of a parallelogram are 100 x 60 and the included angle is 55°. Inscribe an ellipse and determine its major axis and minor axes and locate the foci.
6. Draw an ellipse having conjugate diameters150 and 100 long and included angles 120°. Also draw a curve parallel to the ellipse at a distance of 20 from it.
7. Two points A and B are 100 apart. A point C is 75 from A and 60 from B.Draw an ellipse passing through AB and C.
8. A ball thrown up in the air reaches a maximum height of 45 meters and travels a horizontal distance of 75 meters. Trace the complete path of the ball, assuming it to be parabolic. Find the direction of travel of the ball at a height of 15 meters from the ground (scale:1:500).
10 .A shot is discharged from the ground level at an inclination 45° to the ground which is horizontal. The shot returns to the ground at a point 250 meters from the point of discharge. Trace the path of the shot. Find the direction of the shot after it has traveled a horizontal distance of 200 meters(scale 1:2000)
11. A stone is thrown from a building 7m high and at its highest flight it just crosses a palm tree 14m high. Trace the path of the projectile if the distance between the building and palm tree (measured along the ground)is 3.5m.Name the curve. Take suitable scale.
12. Inscribe two parabolas in rectangle of sides 100 and 50 with their axes perpendicular to each other. Determine the focus and the directory for each (scale 2:1).
13. Inscribe parabolas in a parallelogram of 100x60 and included angle 60° determine the focus and directed of the curve.
14. Two lines OA and OB are at an angle of 120° to each other. OA is 140 long whereas OB is 120 long. Construct a parabola to pass through A and B.
15. Two points A and B are 80 apart Draw a tangent and normal to the curve at a point 30 from the focus.
16. Draw the two branches of a hyperbola with the distance between their foci as 60 and vertices as 35.Also draw a) the asymptotes and measure the angle between them. B) The directories.
17. A point P is 30 and 50 respectively from two straight lines which are at right angles to each other. Draw a rectangular hyperbola through P within 10 from each line.
18. Two straight lines OA and OB an angle of 75° between thump is a point 30 from OA and 40 from BO. Draw a hyperbola through P with OA and OB as asymptotes, marking at least twelve points. Draw a tangent and normal to the curve at a point 45 from OA.
19. Draw one branch each of hyperbola and conjugate hyperbola whose transverse and conjugate axes are 80 and 100 respectively. Also locate the loci.

1. A circle of 50 diameter rolls along a straight line without slipping. Draw the curve traced out by a point P on the circumference, for one revolution of the circle. Name the curve. Draw the tangent to the curve at a point on it 40 from the line.
2. A circle of 50 diameter rolls on a horizontal line fro half a revolution and then on a vertical line for another half. Draw the curve traced out by a point P on the circumference of the circle, taking the top most point on the rolling circle as the initial position of the generating circle.
3. A circle of 50 diameter rolls on another circle of 75 dia with external contact. Draw the locus of point on the circumference of the rolling circle for its one revolution Draw the tangent and normal to the curve at a point on it after the rolling circle has made ¾ of a revolution.
4. Construct a hypocycloid; rolling a circle of 50 dia and directing circle 150 dia. draw a tangent to it at a point 50 from the centre of the directing circle.
5. A circle of 40 dia. Rolls on the concave side of another circle of 40 radiuses. Raw the path traced by a point on the smaller circle for one complete revolution.
6. Draw an in volute of a regular hexagon of side 20 Draw a tangent and normal to the curve at a point 60 from the centre of the hexagon.
7. Draw an in volute of a circle of 40 diameters. Also draw a normal and a tangent to it at a point 100 from the centre of the circle.
8. An inelastic string of 175 long has its one end attached to the circumference of a circular disc of 50 diameters. Draw the curve traced by the other end of the string, when it is completely wound along the circumference of the disc, keeping the string airways tight. Name the curve.
9. An inelastic string of 120 long is would around the circumference of a circular disc of 50 dia. Draw the curve traced out by one end of the string, when it is unwound completely keeping the string always tight.
10. An inelastic string of 115 long is wound around the circumference of a pentagonal disc of 25 sides. Draw the curve traced out by one end of the string, when it is unwound completely keeping the string always tight.
11. Draw a circle with diameter AB equal to 60. Draw a line AC 150 long and tangent to the circle. Trace the path of A, when the line AC rolls on the circle.
12. A disc is in the form of a square of 35 sides, surrounded by semi circles on two opposite sides. Draw the path of the end of the string unwound from the circumference of the disc.

1. State the quadrants in which the following points are located:
A) Its front and top views are above xy.
B) Its front view is below xy, and top view is above xy,
C) Its front view is above xy, and top view is below xy.
D) Its front and top views are below xy.
2. Mention the relative positions of the projections of the following points with respect to xy.
P – in fourth quadrant.
Q – in second quadrant.
R – in third quadrant
S – in first quadrant.
3. Draw the projections of the following points on the same reference line keeping the p projectors 30 apart.
A - 40 above the H.P. and 50 infront of the V.P.
B – 40 below the H.P. and 30 in front of the V.P.
C – 40 below the H.P. and 50 behind the V.P.
D – 40 above the H.P. and 50 behind the V.P.
4. Draw the p projections of the following points on the same reference line keeping the projectors 30 apart.
A – in the H.P. and 50 in front of the V.P.
B – 40 below the H.P. and in the V.P.
C - in the H.P. and 50 behind the V.P.
D – 40 above the H.P. and in the V.P.
E – in both the H.P. and the V.P.
5. The projections of the various points are given in the following Figure. Determine the positions with reference to the principal planes in each case.
Figures have been shown below.
6. A point P is 15 above the H.P. and 20 in front of the V.P. Another point Q is 25 behind the V.P. and 40 below the H.P. Draw the projections of P and Q keeping the distance between the projectors equal to 90. Draw straight lines joining (a) their top views and (b0 their front views.
7. Two points A and B are in the H.P. The point A is 30 in front of the V.P. While B is behind the V.P. The distance between their projects is 75 and the line joining their top views makes an angle of 45o with xy. Find the distance of the point B. From the V.P.


1. Draw the projections of straight line AB, 24 long in the following positions:-
a) Parallel to bath the H.P. and
b) Parallel to and 30 above the H.P. and in the V.P.
c) Parallel to and 40 in front of the V.P. and in the H.P.
d) Perpendicular to the H.P. 20 in front of the V.P. and its one end 15 above the H.P.
e) Perpendicular to the H.P. 20 in front of the V.P. ad Its one end in the H.P.
2. A 100 long line is parallel to and 40 above the H.P. its two ends are 25 and 50 in front of the V.P. respectively. Draw the projections and find its inclination with the V.P.
3. The front view of a line inclined at 30o to the V.P. is 65 long. Draw the projections of the line when it is parallel to and 40 above the H.P. it’s one end being 30 in front of the V.P.
4. The top view of a 75 long line measures 55. The line is in the V.P. its one end being 25 above the H.P. draw its projections.
5. A 90 long line is parallel to and 25 in front the V.P. it’s one end is in the H.P. while the other is 50 above the H.P. Draw its projections and find its inclination with the H.P.
6. A) What is the true length of a line whose top view measures 90 and whose
Inclination to the H.P. is 45o ?
B) What is the true length of a line whose front view measures 160 and whose?
Inclination to the V.P. is 40o?
7. Two pegs fixed on a wall are 4.5 meters apart the distance between the pegs measured parallel to the floor is 3.6 metres. IF one peg is 1.2 metres above the floor, find the height of the second peg and inclination of the line joining the two pegs with the floor.


1. A line AB, 75 long, is inclined at 45o to the H.P. 30o to the V.P. Its end A is the H.P. and 40 in front of the V.P. Draw its projections and determine its traces.
2. A line CD of length 70 has its end C 25 above the H.P. and 20 in front of the V.P. and its end D 70 above the H.P. and 40 in front of the V.P. Draw its projections and determine its traces. Also determine its inclination with the two planes.
3. A line PQ 100 long is inclined at 30o to the H.P. and 45o to the V.P. its mid point is in the V.P. and 20 above the H.P. Draw its projections and determine its traces, if its end P is in the third quadrant and Q in the first quadrant.
4. The following data refers to a straight line PQ: Length of top view 60: Length of front view 65: Distance between the end projectors 45: The end P of the line is 30 above the H.P and 35 in front of the V.P. assume the straight line to line in the first quadrant. Draw the top and front views of the line and determine the true length and inclinations to the principal planes of projection.
5. The end A of a line AB is in the H.P. and 25 behind the V.P. the end B is in the V.P. and 50 above the H .P. The distance between the end projectors is 75. Draw the projections of AB and determine its true length, traces and inclinations with the two planes.
6. The front view, of a 125 long line PQ, measures 75 and its top view measures 100. Its end Q and the mid-point M are in the first quadrant M being 20 from both the planes. Draw the projections of the line PQ.
7. A line AB, 90 long, is inclined at 45o to the H.P. and its top view makes an angle of 60o with the XY. The end A is in the H.P. and 12 in front of the V.P.
8. The front view of a line AB measures 65 and makes an angle of 45o with xy. A 30 to the V.P. Draw the projections of AB and find its true length and inclination with the H.P. also locates its H.T.
9. Two oranges on a tree are respectively 12m and 3m above the ground and 1.5m and 2.5 from the central plane o a wall but on opposite sides of the wall. The distance between the oranges measured along the ground and parallel to the wall is 2.5m. Determine the true distance between the oranges and the a) with the ground and (b) with the wall.
10. To oranges on a tree are respectively 2m and 3m above the ground and 1.3m and 1.8m from a 0.4m thick wall but on the opposite sides of the wall. The distance between the oranges measured along the ground and parallel to the wall is 2.5m. Determine the true distance between the oranges.
11. A room is 5m x 4.5m x 3.5m high. Determine the distance between the top corner and bottom corner diagonally opposite to it, by drawing the projections of the line joining those two corners.
12. A room is 6m x 5m x 3.5m high. An electric light is above the centre of the longer wall and I am below the ceiling. The bulb is 35cm from the longer wall. The switch for the light is 1.25m above the floor on the centre of an adjacent wall. Determine graphically the shortest distance between the bulb and the switch.
13. A line AB 75 long makes an angle of 30o with the V.P. and lies in a plane perpendicular to both the V.P. and the H.P. Its end A is in the H.P. and the end B is in the V.P. Draw the projections of the line AB and show its traces.
14. A line AB 60 long lies in the first quadrant with A in the H.P. and B in the V.P. It makes an angle of 45o and 30o respectively with the H.P. and the V.P. Draw the projections of the line
15. Top view and front view of a line AB, 80 long, measure 60 and 72 respectively. End at of the line is in the H.P. and end B is in the V.P. Draw its projections.
16. The projections of a line AB are on the same projector. A is 10 above the H.P. and 20 behind the V.P., B is 40 above the H.P. and 50 behind the V.P. Draw the projections of the line AB and determine its true length, inclination with the H.P. and the V.P. and its H.T. and V.T.


1. An equilateral triangle of 50 sides has its plane parallel to the H.P. and 30 away from it. Draw its projections and obtain its traces when one of its sides is
a) Perpendicular to the V.P.
b) Parallel to the V.P.
c) Inclined to the V.P. at an angle of 45o
2. A rectangle; ABCD, 40 x 60 has a corner on the H.P. and 20 away from the V.P. All the sides of the rectangle are equally inclined to the H.P. and Parallel to the V.P. Draw its projections and obtain its traces.
3. Draw the projections of a regular pentagon of 40, having its surface inclined at 30o to the ground and a side parallel to the H.P. and inclined at an angle of 60o to the V.P.
4. A regular pentagon, length of side 30, has one of its corners on the V.R. and its surface inclined to the V.P. at 60o. The edge, opposite to the corner on the V.P. makes an angle of 45o with the H.P. Draw the projections of the plane.
5. A semicircular plate of 80 diameter has its straight edge in the V.P. and inclined at 45o to the H.P. while the surface of the plate is inclined at 30o to the V.P. Draw the projections of the plate.
6. A regular hexagonal plane of 44 side has a corner on the ground when its surface is inclined at 45o to the H.P. Draw its projections.
a) When the top view of the diagonal through the corner which is on the ground, makes 30o with the xy.
b) When the diagonal itself makes 30o with the V.P.
7. Draw the projections of a rhombus having diagonals 120 and 50 long, the smaller diagonal of which is parallel to both the principal planes, while the other is inclined at 30o to the H.P.
8. Draw the projections of a circle 75 diameter having the end A of the diameter AB in the ground, the end B in the V.P. and the surface inclined at 30o to the H.P. and at 60o to the V.P.
9. A thin rectangular plate of sides 60x40 has its shorter edge on the ground and inclined at 30o to the V.P. Draw the projections of the plate when its top view is a square of 40 sides.
10. A rhombus has its diagonals100 and 60 long. Draw the projections of the rhombus when it is so placed that its top view appears to be a square of diagonals 60 long, and the vertical plane through the longer diagonal makes 30o with the V.P.
11. ABCDE is a regular pentagonal plate of 40 sides and has its corner A on the H.P. The plate is inclined to the H.P. such that the plane length of edges AB and AE is each 35. The side CD is parallel to both the reference planes. Draw the projections of the plate and find its inclination to the H.P.
12. A plate is of the shape of an isosceles triangle of base 60 and altitude 80. Draw the projections of the plate, when it is placed such that the front view appears as an equilateral triangle of sides 60 each and one of the plate edges makes 30o with the H.P.
13. Draw a rhombus of diagonals 100 and 60 long with the longer diagonal horizontal. The figure is the top view of a square of 100 long diagonals, with a corner on the ground. Draw its front view and determine the angle which its surface makes with the ground.
14. The Top view of a plane object is a regular hexagon of side 40 with a central circular hole of 30 diameter with two sides of the hexagon parallel to xy, when the surface of the object is inclined at 45o to the ground. Determine the true shape of the object
15. Draw the projections of a circle of 50mm diameter resting in the H.P. on a point A on the circumference, its plane inclined at 45o to the H.P. when (a) the top view of the diameter AB making 30o angle with the (b) the diameter AB making 30o angle with the V.P.
16. A thin 30o – 60o set-square has its longest edge in the V.P. And inclined at 30o to the H.P. Its surface makes an angle of 45o with the V.P. Draw its projections.


1. An equilateral triangle ABC of side 75 long has its side AB in the V.P. And inclined at 60 to the H.P. its plane makes an angle of 45o with the V.P. Draw its projections.
2. Draw the projections of a regular pentagon of 25 sides, having one of its sides resting on the ground and making an angle of 60o with the V.P. And its surface making an angle of 40o with the ground.
3. A circle of 50 diameters is resting on the ground on a point with its plane inclined at 30o to the ground. Draw the projections of the circle when.
a) The top view of the diameter through the resting point makes an angle of 45o with xy and
b) The diameter passing through the resting point makes an angle of 45o with the V.P.
4. The top view of a line AB, inclined at 60o to xy measures 85 while the length of front view is 65. It’s one end A is in the H.P. and 15 in front of the V.P. Draw the projections of AB, and determine its true length, inclinations with the H.P. and the V.P. Find the distance of the midpoint of AB from xy also determine the distance between AB and xy.
5. Draw an isosceles triangle a b c of base of 40 and altitude 75 with ‘a’ in xy and ab inclined at 45o to xy. The figure is the top view of a triangle whose corners A,B and C are respectively l7,25 and 50 above the H.P. Determine the true shape of the triangle and the inclination of the side AB with the pianos.
6. The top view of a triangular lamina is an equilateral triangle of side 40 with one side parallel to the xy while the front view is a line of length 50. Determine the true shape of the triangle
7. Top view of a plate, the surface of which is perpendicular to the V.P. and inclined at 60o to the H.P. is a regular pentagon of side 50, with one edge perpendicular to the xy.
a) Find the true shape of the plate
b) Draw the projections of the plate when the edge whose top view was perpendicular to xy earlier, becomes parallel to the V.P. white the surface of the plate is still inclined at 60o to the H.P.
8. The top view of a plane, a b c d, is a square of 50 side with a b making 30o to xy The corners B, C and D are respectively 35.85 and 50 above the ground while A is on the ground find the true shape of the plane.


1. Draw the projections of the following solids, situated in their respective positions, taking the side of base equal to 40 and axis 70
a) A square prism, base on the ground, a side of the base inclined at 30 to the V.P.
b) A hexagonal pyramid, base on the ground and a side of the base parallel of and 25 from the V.P.
c) A pentagonal prism, a rectangular face on the ground axis perpendicular to the V.P. and one base in the V.P.
d) A triangular pyramid, base on the ground and an edge of the base inclined at 450 to the V.P. the apex 40 from the V.P.
2. Draw the projections of the following solids, situated in their respective positions taking the diameter of the base equal to 50 and axis 70.
a) A cylinder, axis perpendicular to the V.P. and 40 above the ground, one end 20 away from the V.P.
b) A cone, apex on the ground and 40 from the V.P. axis perpendicular to the ground.
3. Draw the projections of a tetrahedron of side 60 when it is resting on the ground on one of its faces with an edge of its face inclined at 45o to the V.P.
4. A cube 50 side has one face in the V.P. and an adjacent face inclined at 35o to the H.P. the lower edge of the latter face being in the H.P. Draw its projections.
5. Draw the top view and front view of a regular hexagonal pyramid, side of base 30 and height 80, when lying with one of its triangular faces on the ground and its base at right angles to the V.P. the axis of the solid is parallel to the V.P.
6. A pentagonal prism, base 25-side, and axis 60 long is laying on the ground on one of its faces with the axis parallel to the V.P. draw its projections.


1. A regular pentagonal prism, side of base 40 and length 80 lies with one of its rectangular faces on the ground an axis inclined at 40o to the V.P. Draw the projections of the prism.
2. One of the body diagonals of a cube of 50 edges is parallel to the H.P. and inclined at 60o to the V.P. Draw the projections of the cube, in this position.
3. Draw the projections of a cylinder of diameter 60 and length 80 lying on the ground with its axis inclined to the V.P. at an angle of 30o.
4. A hexagonal pyramid, side of base 25 long and height 75 has one of its triangular faces perpendicular to the H.P. and inclined at 30o to the V.P. The base side of this triangular face is in the V.P. Draw the projections of the solid.
5. Draw the projections of a pentagonal pyramid, side of base 45 and altitude 65, when
a) One of its triangular faces is perpendicular to the H.P.
b) One of its sloping edge is vertical
6. A tetrahedron of 75 edge has one edge on the ground and inclined at 45o to the V.P. while a face containing that edge is vertical. Draw its projections.
7. A triangular prism, side of base 40 and height 65, is resting on a corner of its base on the ground, with a longer edge containing the corner inclined at 45o to the H.P. and the vertical plane containing that edge and the axis inclined at 30o to the V.P. Draw its projections
8. A square pyramid, base 40 side and axis 90 long has a triangular face on the ground and the vertical plane containing the axis makes an angle of 45o with the V.P. Draw its projections
9. A cube of 50 edge has a corner on ground and one of the body diagonals perpendicular to the V.P. Draw its front view and top view.
10. A cylinder of diameter 60 and length of axis 75 is standing with its axis inclined at 45o to the V.P. and 30o to the H.P. Draw its projections.
11. Draw the projections of a cone, base 50 diameters and axis 55 long, when it is resting on the V.P. on a point on its base circle with the axis making an angle of 30o with the V.P. and 45o with the H.P.
12. Draw the top view and front view of a right regular pentagonal pyramid of side of base 30 and height 60 lying on one of its triangular faces on the ground with its axis parallel to the V.P. Draw an auxiliary view when the axis making an angle of 30o with the V.P. and 45 with the H.P.
13. Draw the top view and front view of a cone, of base diameter 50 and altitude 60, lying on one of its generators on the ground when
a) The top view of the axis makes an angle of 300 with the xy.
b) The axis makes an angle of 30o with the V.P.
14. A pentagonal pyramid, base 40 sides and height 75 rests on one edge of its base on the ground so that the highest point in the base is 25 above the ground. Draw its projections when the axis is parallel to the V.P. Draw another front view on a reference line inclined at 30o to the edge on which it is resting and so that the base is visible
15. A square pyramid base 40 side, axis 60 long is freely suspended from one of its corners of the base. A vertical plane passing through its axis makes an angle of 45o with the V.P. Draw the projections of the pyramid.
16. A cylindrical block 75 diameter and 25 thick h as a hexagonal hole of 25 sides, cut centrally through its fiat faces. Draw the front view and top view of the block when it is resting on the ground with its flat faces vertical and inclined at 30o to the V.P. and two faces of the whole parallel to the H.P.

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